![]() Seminar Tuesday 10th October 2023, 12.00pm – 1.00pm AEDT PDF and recording of presentation is available go to our Seminar Page Dr Larry Carbone is a veterinarian with 40 years of experience caring for animals in laboratories. In addition to his veterinary degree, he holds a PhD in History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, and veterinary specialist certifications in Animal Welfare (American College of Animal Welfare) and in Laboratory Animal Medicine (American College of Laboratory Animal Medicine).
Animal Welfare Assessment Seminar WEDNESDAY FEBRUARY 19 2.00pm - 3.30pm Lower Theatre (Bld 142) Faculty of Vet and Ag Sci Royal Parade University of Melbourne - Parkville Cassandra Tucker (Professor, Department of Animal Science, UC Davis). Cassandra will talk about Animal welfare assessments and audits (using dairy as an exemplar – but very relevant for all sectors): what does success look like? She’ll talk about common goals and the importance of 4 components of successful programs: meaningful standards, robust audit processes, transparency & accountability and on-farm support. RSVP or queries before February 5 by email to [email protected] Places are limited Location - https://maps.unimelb.edu.au/parkville/building/142/lower_theatre |
Professor Mike Mendl, from the University of Bristol, is developing new ways of assessing animal welfare that work to improve the wellbeing and conditions of all animals - join him in this University of Melbourne Pursuit Podcast.
Many thanks to Mike Mendl, (University of Bristol) who delivered a very thoughtful presentation on Assessing Animal Affect at the University of Melbourne on 15th May.
His presentation is available to download as a pdf or as a video file at our Vimeo site.
His presentation is available to download as a pdf or as a video file at our Vimeo site.
Wednesday 15th May 2019
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Corner Flemington Rd and Park Dr, Parkville VIC 3052 - (Entry to building from Park Drive)
RSVP before 3rd May to Jeremy Skuse
2.00pm – 3.00pm
Corner Flemington Rd and Park Dr, Parkville VIC 3052 - (Entry to building from Park Drive)
RSVP before 3rd May to Jeremy Skuse
Mike obtained a PhD in animal behaviour at Cambridge University in 1986. He then took a Royal Society European Research Fellowship to continue his work on behavioural development at Groningen University in the Netherlands, before returning to work at Cambridge University Vet School where he moved into the field of applied animal behaviour and welfare. He subsequently took up a position as a Behavioural Scientist at the Scottish Agricultural College in Edinburgh, continuing his work on pig behaviour and welfare, and then moved to Bristol University Vet School where he is now Professor of Animal Behaviour and Welfare
His current research interests are in the study of cognition, emotion, and social behaviour in domestic animals, with a view to using this information to improve animal welfare. Together with Dr Liz Paul, he developed a novel ‘cognitive bias’ approach to the assessment of animal emotions which draws on theory and findings from human psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
Mike was awarded the UFAW Medal in 2014 for his contributions to animal welfare science, and the RSPCA/BSAS Award for Innovative Developments in Animal Welfare in 2015. Mike also works on more applied animal welfare issues, with current interests in the relationship between housing and husbandry procedures and the health and welfare of farm, laboratory and zoo animals, and chronic pain conditions in domestic dogs.
His current research interests are in the study of cognition, emotion, and social behaviour in domestic animals, with a view to using this information to improve animal welfare. Together with Dr Liz Paul, he developed a novel ‘cognitive bias’ approach to the assessment of animal emotions which draws on theory and findings from human psychology and cognitive neuroscience.
Mike was awarded the UFAW Medal in 2014 for his contributions to animal welfare science, and the RSPCA/BSAS Award for Innovative Developments in Animal Welfare in 2015. Mike also works on more applied animal welfare issues, with current interests in the relationship between housing and husbandry procedures and the health and welfare of farm, laboratory and zoo animals, and chronic pain conditions in domestic dogs.
Advanced Biotechnologies to Improve the Welfare of Farm Animals
Since the 1950s, farm animal breeding has incorporated many new technologies to enhance food production. With the most recent introduction of technologies for genome editing, animal breeders now have another tool to improve not only performance, but also to address important traits related to health, environmental sustainability and animal welfare.
In this public seminar, which will be accessible to both scientists and members of the general public, we will learn about some new technologies that are being used in the livestock sector. RSVP before Feb 11 to [email protected]
In this public seminar, which will be accessible to both scientists and members of the general public, we will learn about some new technologies that are being used in the livestock sector. RSVP before Feb 11 to [email protected]
AWSC Dairy Seminar featured Dan Weary (UBC), David Beggs (AWSC UniMelb) and Natalie Roadknight (AWSC UniMelb) Dan Weary - "Disentangling separation: bringing new data to the old problem of cow-calf separation” David Beggs - “The welfare of cows in large herds” Natalie Roadknight - “The welfare of bobby calves in the Australian dairy industry” Download Dan and David's presentations by visiting our Seminars page |
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