To assist in providing the public with the latest scientific knowledge concerning animal welfare and to encourage collaboration within the scientific community, the Animal Welfare Science Centre regularly presents seminars and presentations to which those with an interest in animal welfare are invited. Most presentations are recorded and are available for viewing and downloading on the pdf or video presentation links below
AWSC Research Showcase
Session 1: People and Practice YouTube presentation
Session 2: Defining and Measuring Welfare YouTube presentation
Session 3: Industry Innovation YouTube presentation
Prof. Andrew Fisher Legacy Seminar
YouTube presentation
Dr Michael Toscano from the Centre of Proper Housing at the University of Bern and Ms Maxine Rice from the Animal Welfare Science Centre present a seminar on hen welfare. "Poultry Welfare in Loose Housing Systems" YouTube presentation
Dr Larry Carbone. " How can animal welfare science translate into policy for laboratory animal care?” pdf Vimeo presentation
Dr Peta Taylor.
Optimising meat chicken range use. YouTube presentation
Do maternal calls modify chicken behaviour? YouTube presentation
Andrew Fisher (AWSC), Alison Clarke (Zoos Vic), Peta Hitchens (FVAS), Mia Cobb (AWSC) & Lauren Hemsworth (AWSC).
Animal welfare in the 21st Century: are we meeting their needs? YouTube presentation
Cassandra Tucker, Center for Animal Welfare, UC Davis, USA.
Animal welfare assurance programs: What does success look like? pdf video presentation
"AWSC Students Research Showcase"
Samantha J. Chiew - Visitor effects on little penguins (Eudyptula minor) differ between zoos video presentation
Natalie Roadknight - Is early cow and calf separation in the dairy industry beneficial or detrimental to animal welfare? video presentation
Maxine Rice - Piling into the ruck: an investigation into the behavioural motivation behind piling behaviour in laying hens video presentation
Madeleine Woodruff - Knowledge and attitudes are important factors in farmers' choice of lamb tail docking length video presentation
Belinda Hall - Individual variation in behaviour, personality and enrichment use in parrots video presentation
Megan Hayes - Regular patting by stockpeople reduces pigs' fear towards routine husbandry procedures video presentation
Carmen Glanville- Animal cruelty and neglect: prevalence and community actions in Victoria video presentation
Maria Jorquera-Chavez- Computer vision techniques as non-invasive tools to monitor production, performance and well-being in cattle and pigs video presentation
Madeleine Holmes: We owe it to fish - the rationale for studying fish welfare video presentation
Leigh Atkinson - Regular time spent in close proximity to humans improves coping in sheep, but this differs between sexes video presentation
Jessalyn Taylor - Relationships between zoo visitor behaviour and the behaviour of a captive long-nosed fur seal video presentation
Mark James Learmonth - Sentience in tortoises, and what this means for their welfare video presentation
Mike Mendl, Professor of Animal Behaviour and Welfare, University of Bristol, UK.
"Assessing animal affect" pdf video presentation
AWSC/RSPCA Public Seminar
"Advanced biotechnologies to improve the welfare of farm animals"
Tad Sonstegard, Chief Scientific Officer, Acceligen. pdf video presentation
Laercio Porto-Neto, Research Scientist, CSIRO.
Anne Marie de Passille, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia
“Why keep calves in groups? Behavioural and welfare aspects” pdf video presentation
Jeff Rushen, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia
“Play behaviour and welfare of dairy calves” pdf video presentation
Dan Weary, University of British Columbia
"Disentangling separation: bringing new data to the old problem of cow-calf separation” pdf video presentation
David Beggs, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“The welfare of cows in large herds” pdf video presentation
Natalie Roadknight, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“The welfare of bobby calves in the Australian dairy industry”
Ben Pearson, World Animal Protection
"Don't get taken for a ride (Animal welfare issues associated with wildlife entertainment)" pdf
Lauren Hemsworth, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“The human contribution to animal welfare” pdf video presentation
Susan Hazel, The University of Adelaide
“In sickness and in health: Why do people keep or give up their pets?” pdf video presentation
Cameron Ralph, South Australian Research and Development Institute
“Novel Biomarkers of Animal Welfare” pdf video presentation
David Mellor, Massey University
“Using the 5 domains model to understand and improve zoo animal welfare” pdf
Samantha Chiew, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“Zoo visitor-penguin interactions: effects on both penguins and visitors” pdf
Lydia Rehnberg, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“Effects of interactive visitor encounters on the behaviour and welfare of animals commonly housed in Australian zoos” pdf
Mark Learmonth, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“Human interaction as enrichment for zoo-housed animals: opportunity for positive affective experiences?" pdf
Cameron Clark and Sabrina Lomax, The University of Sydney
"Remote monitoring of dairy cattle: opportunities for improved welfare across all species" pdf
Assoc Prof Roger Rassool and Dr David Peake*, The University of Melbourne and *DETECT Australia
"Physicists might be useful!" pdf
Tina Widowski, The University of Guelph
"Marketing vs science – who's really winning in the free range egg debate?" pdf video presentation narrated presentation
Jo Edgar, The University of Bristol
"Empathy in animals" pdf video presentation
John Webster, The University of Bristol
"Animal Welfare: Science, Values and Action" pdf video presentation
Peter Sandøe, The University of Copenhagen
"Love hurts - the dark side of human attachment to companion animals" pdf video presentation
David Mellor, Massey University
"The onset of cognitively-based survival-critical behaviours in diffident groups of mammalian young" pdf video presentation
Zulfifli Idrus, University Putra
"Heat Shock Proteins as modifying factors in physiological stress responses" pdf video presentation
Isabelle Veissier, INRA
"Animal Welfare - Towards Transdisciplinarity" pdf video presentation
"Research at INRA" pdf video presentation
Dan Weary, University of British Columbia
"Cow comfort and lameness" pdf video presentation
"Farm size and animal welfare" pdf video presentation
"Understanding public views" pdf video presentation
Andrew Fisher, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Dairy cow welfare in new farm feeding systems" pdf video presentation
Ellen Jongman, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Feeding and transport of bobby calves" pdf video presentation
Sally Haynes, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"It’s a (shelter) dog’s life: Just how important is human contact?" pdf video presentation
Dennis Wormald, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Measuring Anxiety in Dogs" pdf video presentation
Miranda Coffey, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Food for thought – why do people feed stray cats?" pdf video presentation
Robert Holmes, Animal Behaviour Clinics
"The emotional lives of dogs - particularly those confined to backyards"
Kevin Stafford, Massey University
"The welfare of dogs; what’s the problem?" pdf video presentation
David Fraser, University of British Columbia
“The prince, the rose and the fox: an ethic for animals and nature” pdf video presentation
James Yeates, RSPCA, UK
"How happy does a happy animal have to be.............. (and how can we tell)?" pdf video presentation
Sally Sherwen, PhD Student, AWSC, The University of Melbourne)
"The effect of visitors on zoo animals" pdf video presentation
Vicky Melfi, Taronga Conservation Society
"Human-animal bonds in the zoo environment" pdf video presentation
Rosie Martin, Plymouth University
"Zoo animal behaviour in the presence of familiar and unfamiliar people"
Roger Rassool, The University of Melbourne
"Remotely observation of animal behaviour" pdf video presentation
Grahame Coleman, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Interactions between zoo animal behaviour and human attitudes" pdf video presentation
Andrew Tribe, The University of Queensland
"How Visitors view the captive environment" pdf video presentation
Katie Pahlow, Zoos Victoria
"Targeting visitor's attitudes to assist in wildlife conservation" pdf video presentation
Neil Chesterton, VET Services, Inglewood, NZ
"Lameness in dairy cows" pdf video presentation
Jeremy Skuse, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"ProHand Dairy training" pdf
Neil Aird, NCDEA
"Training opportunities in the Australian dairy industry" pdf video presentation
Paul B. Thompson, Michigan State University
"Animal ethics and the evolution of standards for laying hens in the US" pdf video presentation
Peter Sandøe, University of Copenhagen
"Animal Welfare – where does science end and ethics begin?" pdf video presentation
David Mellor, Massey University, NZ
"Broadening Our Perspectives on Negative and Positive Animal Welfare Impacts" pdf video presentation
Siobhan O'Sullivan, The University of Melbourne
"Economically Productive Animals and the Community’s right to Know” pdf video presentation
Charlie Arnot, Center for Food Integrity
“Lost in translation – Learning to speak 'consumer' in a way that builds trust in agriculture" pdf video presentation
Jackie Healing, Coles Supermarkets
“Customer insights - how customers make purchasing decisions and what that has meant for Coles in terms of animal welfare initiatives and how we communicate them” pdf video presentation
Grahame Coleman, AWSC, Monash University
“Monitoring stockpeople attitudes and their relationship with animal welfare” pdf video presentation
Dr. Ellen Jongman, AWSC, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
“Welfare assessment of dairy cows and how it may be used to benchmark their welfare” pdf video presentation
Kirsty Richards, Chris Richards & Associates
“Welfare QA (PigCare) in the Australian pig industry - Does it deliver?” pdf video presentation
Don Broom, University of Cambridge
"Animal welfare research indicators and welfare outcome indicators on farm and at slaughter" pdf video presentation
Australian Poultry Welfare Research Seminar Abstracts pdf Presentations pdf
Phil Glatz, SARDI
"Update on beak trimming research and alternatives" video presentation
Joanna Engel, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Non-invasive measures of stress in poultry" video presentation
Greg Cronin, The University of Sydney
"Nest boxes for laying hens and their effects on hen behaviour and stress physiology" video presentation
Lauren Edwards, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Opportunities to improve the human – animal relationship in poultry" video presentation
Peter Groves, The University of Sydney
"Lameness in meat chickens" video presentation
Alternative Farrowing Systems - identifying the gaps in knowledge Abstracts pdf
Greg Cronin, The University of Sydney
"An Australian perspective on non-crate farrowing systems" video presentation
Hugh Payne, Dept Ag & Food, WA
"An Australian perspective on non-crate farrowing systems - WA Trials" video presentation
Emma Baxter, Scottish Agricultural College
"The Pigsafe pen design - derivation, principles and practicalities" video presentation
Sandra Edwards, Newcastle University
"Commercial Pigsafe performance to date and how these fit in the UK/EU industry context" video presentation
Melina Tensen, RSPCA Australia
"RSPCA views about traditional and alternative farrowing systems" video presentation
Rebecca Morrison, Rivalea Australia
"Industry perspective on housing of farrowing sows and gaps in knowledge" video presentation
Animal Welfare Education - why, what and how?
Alistair Lawrence, Scottish Agricultural College, UK.
video presentation 1 video presentation 2 video presentation 3 video presentation 4 video presentation 5
AWSC Pig Welfare Seminar Abstracts pdf Presentations pdf
Paul Hemsworth, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Australian research on group housing of gestating sows" video presentation
Greg Cronin, The University of Sydney
"Reducing pain associated with husbandry procedures in piglets" video presentation
Graeme Pope, Rural Solutions SA
"Benchmarking ProHand Implementation" video presentation
Knut Bøe, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
"Loose-housing of lactating sows and birth-to-slaughter-systems in Norway" video presentation
Rebecca Morrison, Rivalea Australia
"Commercially viable non-crated farrowing systems" video presentation
Inger Lise Andersen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
"Piglet survival in individual, loose-housed sows – the impact of sow behaviour, farrowing environment and
management" video presentation
Kathleen Plowman, Australian Pork Limited
"PigCare: pig welfare and quality assurance" video presentation
Roger Campbell, Pork CRC
"Pig Welfare Considerations in the Pork CRC Rebid – responding to customer and community desires" video presentation
AWSC Student Presentations Abstracts pdf
Anoma Dilrukshi, Jo Coombe, Catherine Webb, Tiffani Howell, Sally Haynes, Lauren Hemsworth, Lauren Edwards, Joanna Engel, Cameron Ralph, Sonja Laine, Marcus Karlen, Bronwyn Stevens
David Mellor, Massey University
Pain and slaughter pdf
Building better dogs: using what we've learned about genetic and experiential effects on dog behaviour to improve dog welfare Abstracts pdf
Speakers: Paul McGreevy (Univ. Sydney), Mike Goddard (Univ Melb), Pauleen Bennett, (AWSC, Monash), Kate Schoeffel (AAPDB) and students of the AWSC
Animal welfare issues and RD&E requirements Abstracts pdf
Speakers: Grahame Coleman (AWSC, Monash University), Pauleen Bennett (AWSC, Monash University), James Kinder (AWSC, The Ohio State University, USA), Paul Hemsworth (AWSC, The University of Melbourne), Andrew Fisher (AWSC, The University of Melbourne), Alan Tilbrook (AWSC, Monash University), Ellen Jongman (AWSC, DPI Victoria)
Temple Grandin, Colorado State University
Reducing livestock stress during handling in yards, lairage & transport pdf
Berry Spruijt, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
"What cognitive abilities are indispensable for experiencing welfare?" pdf
Don Lay, USDA
"Using physiology and behaviour to assess welfare in farm animals: research of the United States Department of Agriculture" pdf
Jeffrey Rushen, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
"Improved detection of lameness in dairy cows" pdf
Anne Marie de Passille, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
"Feeding behaviour and weaning of milk-fed dairy calves" pdf
Tina Widowski, University of Guelph
"Urges, needs, preferences & priorities – coming to terms with the welfare of the laying hen" pdf
Philip Szepe, Kinross Farm, Victoria
"An Australian perspective on EU layer hen housing"
Tina Widowski, University of Guelph
"Effects of Handling Procedures and Transport Conditions on Welfare and Meat Quality of Pigs" pdf
AWSC Farm Animal Research Planning Day Program pdf
Craig Johnson, Massey University
"The role of electroencephalography in animal welfare research" pdf
David Adams
"Physiological aspects of humane killing in animals" pdf
Animal companions for life seminar Abstracts pdf
John Webster, The University of Bristol
"Dairy cow welfare: Solutions for current problems" pdf
Ian McCauley, DPI Victoria
"Remote monitoring of livestock: Wireless and the Wii - improving livestock welfare" pdf
Andrew Bubb, Desert Knowledge CRC
"Remote management of cattle in central Australia. Current applications and opportunities for the future" pdf
Tim Stockman, Stockman Electronics
"The physical limitations of wireless sensing technologies to monitor livestock" pdf
Greg Cronin, AWSC, DPI Victoria
"Using machine vision (automatic video image analysis) to monitor hens in cages" pdf
Alistair Lawrence, Scottish Agricultural College
"Improving public attitudes and behaviour to animals" pdf
Grahame Coleman, AWSC, Monash University
"Public education" pdf
Clive Phillips, The University of Queensland
“Welfare aspects of the live export of sheep and cattle” pdf
AWSC Companion Animal Research Presentations pdf
Speakers: Paul Hemsworth, Mia Cobb, Melanie Conley, Cassie Pearton, Erin Rainey, Kate Mornement, Jacqui Ley, Pauleen Bennett, Justyna Paplinska, Vanessa Rohlf, Aislinn Guthrie-Jones, Linda Marston, Sally Haynes
Government Agencies’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Steve Tate, Bureau of Animal Welfare
“BAW’s philosophy, priorities & programs” pdf
Robert Baker, Primary Industries & Resources SA
"Animal Welfare in SA” pdf
Allan Sheridan, DAFF
“The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy” pdf
Animal Welfare Research Groups’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Paul Hemsworth, Animal Welfare Science Centre
“AWSC’s philosophy, priorities & programs” pdf
Clive Phillips, Centre for Animal Welfare & Ethics, The University of Queensland
"CAWE’s philosophies, priorities and programs” pdf
Andrew Fisher, CSIRO,
“CSIRO Animal Welfare Research - Philosophy, priorities and programs” pdf
John Barnett, AWSC, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria.
"Policy on the care & use of sheep for scientific purposes’s Philosophies, priorities, plans” pdf
Animal Welfare Groups’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Hugh Wirth, RSPCA (Vic)
“RSPCA Animal Welfare Philosophy & Policies” pdf
Glenys Oogjes, Animals Australia
"AA’s Philosophies, priorities, plans” pdf
Carole De Fraga, Compassion in World Farming
“CIWF’s Philosophy, priorities and programs” pdf
Industries’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Kathleen Plowman, Australian Pork Ltd
“APL Animal Care” pdf
David Witcombe, Australian Egg Corp Ltd
"Layer Hen Welfare: a challenging & complex issue” pdf
Helen Dornom, Dairy Australia
“Dairy Industry Perspective & Approach to Animal Welfare” pdf
Joan Lloyd, Australian Wool Innovation
"Animal Welfare Priorities and Programs for Extensively Raised Sheep" pdf
Ken Smith, The Ohio State University
"Preference testing and the Y-maze" pdf
Bob Kilgour, DPI NSW
"Towards an understanding of animal personality" pdf
Jacqui Ley , AWSC, Monash University
"Measuring Personality in dogs"
David Mellor, Massey University
"Birth and hatching: key events in the onset of awareness in the lamb and chick"
AWSC Research Showcase
Session 1: People and Practice YouTube presentation
Session 2: Defining and Measuring Welfare YouTube presentation
Session 3: Industry Innovation YouTube presentation
Prof. Andrew Fisher Legacy Seminar
YouTube presentation
Dr Michael Toscano from the Centre of Proper Housing at the University of Bern and Ms Maxine Rice from the Animal Welfare Science Centre present a seminar on hen welfare. "Poultry Welfare in Loose Housing Systems" YouTube presentation
Dr Larry Carbone. " How can animal welfare science translate into policy for laboratory animal care?” pdf Vimeo presentation
Dr Peta Taylor.
Optimising meat chicken range use. YouTube presentation
Do maternal calls modify chicken behaviour? YouTube presentation
Andrew Fisher (AWSC), Alison Clarke (Zoos Vic), Peta Hitchens (FVAS), Mia Cobb (AWSC) & Lauren Hemsworth (AWSC).
Animal welfare in the 21st Century: are we meeting their needs? YouTube presentation
Cassandra Tucker, Center for Animal Welfare, UC Davis, USA.
Animal welfare assurance programs: What does success look like? pdf video presentation
"AWSC Students Research Showcase"
Samantha J. Chiew - Visitor effects on little penguins (Eudyptula minor) differ between zoos video presentation
Natalie Roadknight - Is early cow and calf separation in the dairy industry beneficial or detrimental to animal welfare? video presentation
Maxine Rice - Piling into the ruck: an investigation into the behavioural motivation behind piling behaviour in laying hens video presentation
Madeleine Woodruff - Knowledge and attitudes are important factors in farmers' choice of lamb tail docking length video presentation
Belinda Hall - Individual variation in behaviour, personality and enrichment use in parrots video presentation
Megan Hayes - Regular patting by stockpeople reduces pigs' fear towards routine husbandry procedures video presentation
Carmen Glanville- Animal cruelty and neglect: prevalence and community actions in Victoria video presentation
Maria Jorquera-Chavez- Computer vision techniques as non-invasive tools to monitor production, performance and well-being in cattle and pigs video presentation
Madeleine Holmes: We owe it to fish - the rationale for studying fish welfare video presentation
Leigh Atkinson - Regular time spent in close proximity to humans improves coping in sheep, but this differs between sexes video presentation
Jessalyn Taylor - Relationships between zoo visitor behaviour and the behaviour of a captive long-nosed fur seal video presentation
Mark James Learmonth - Sentience in tortoises, and what this means for their welfare video presentation
Mike Mendl, Professor of Animal Behaviour and Welfare, University of Bristol, UK.
"Assessing animal affect" pdf video presentation
AWSC/RSPCA Public Seminar
"Advanced biotechnologies to improve the welfare of farm animals"
Tad Sonstegard, Chief Scientific Officer, Acceligen. pdf video presentation
Laercio Porto-Neto, Research Scientist, CSIRO.
Anne Marie de Passille, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia
“Why keep calves in groups? Behavioural and welfare aspects” pdf video presentation
Jeff Rushen, Adjunct Professor, University of British Columbia
“Play behaviour and welfare of dairy calves” pdf video presentation
Dan Weary, University of British Columbia
"Disentangling separation: bringing new data to the old problem of cow-calf separation” pdf video presentation
David Beggs, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“The welfare of cows in large herds” pdf video presentation
Natalie Roadknight, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“The welfare of bobby calves in the Australian dairy industry”
Ben Pearson, World Animal Protection
"Don't get taken for a ride (Animal welfare issues associated with wildlife entertainment)" pdf
Lauren Hemsworth, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“The human contribution to animal welfare” pdf video presentation
Susan Hazel, The University of Adelaide
“In sickness and in health: Why do people keep or give up their pets?” pdf video presentation
Cameron Ralph, South Australian Research and Development Institute
“Novel Biomarkers of Animal Welfare” pdf video presentation
David Mellor, Massey University
“Using the 5 domains model to understand and improve zoo animal welfare” pdf
Samantha Chiew, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“Zoo visitor-penguin interactions: effects on both penguins and visitors” pdf
Lydia Rehnberg, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“Effects of interactive visitor encounters on the behaviour and welfare of animals commonly housed in Australian zoos” pdf
Mark Learmonth, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
“Human interaction as enrichment for zoo-housed animals: opportunity for positive affective experiences?" pdf
Cameron Clark and Sabrina Lomax, The University of Sydney
"Remote monitoring of dairy cattle: opportunities for improved welfare across all species" pdf
Assoc Prof Roger Rassool and Dr David Peake*, The University of Melbourne and *DETECT Australia
"Physicists might be useful!" pdf
Tina Widowski, The University of Guelph
"Marketing vs science – who's really winning in the free range egg debate?" pdf video presentation narrated presentation
Jo Edgar, The University of Bristol
"Empathy in animals" pdf video presentation
John Webster, The University of Bristol
"Animal Welfare: Science, Values and Action" pdf video presentation
Peter Sandøe, The University of Copenhagen
"Love hurts - the dark side of human attachment to companion animals" pdf video presentation
David Mellor, Massey University
"The onset of cognitively-based survival-critical behaviours in diffident groups of mammalian young" pdf video presentation
Zulfifli Idrus, University Putra
"Heat Shock Proteins as modifying factors in physiological stress responses" pdf video presentation
Isabelle Veissier, INRA
"Animal Welfare - Towards Transdisciplinarity" pdf video presentation
"Research at INRA" pdf video presentation
Dan Weary, University of British Columbia
"Cow comfort and lameness" pdf video presentation
"Farm size and animal welfare" pdf video presentation
"Understanding public views" pdf video presentation
Andrew Fisher, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Dairy cow welfare in new farm feeding systems" pdf video presentation
Ellen Jongman, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Feeding and transport of bobby calves" pdf video presentation
Sally Haynes, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"It’s a (shelter) dog’s life: Just how important is human contact?" pdf video presentation
Dennis Wormald, PhD candidate, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Measuring Anxiety in Dogs" pdf video presentation
Miranda Coffey, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Food for thought – why do people feed stray cats?" pdf video presentation
Robert Holmes, Animal Behaviour Clinics
"The emotional lives of dogs - particularly those confined to backyards"
Kevin Stafford, Massey University
"The welfare of dogs; what’s the problem?" pdf video presentation
David Fraser, University of British Columbia
“The prince, the rose and the fox: an ethic for animals and nature” pdf video presentation
James Yeates, RSPCA, UK
"How happy does a happy animal have to be.............. (and how can we tell)?" pdf video presentation
Sally Sherwen, PhD Student, AWSC, The University of Melbourne)
"The effect of visitors on zoo animals" pdf video presentation
Vicky Melfi, Taronga Conservation Society
"Human-animal bonds in the zoo environment" pdf video presentation
Rosie Martin, Plymouth University
"Zoo animal behaviour in the presence of familiar and unfamiliar people"
Roger Rassool, The University of Melbourne
"Remotely observation of animal behaviour" pdf video presentation
Grahame Coleman, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Interactions between zoo animal behaviour and human attitudes" pdf video presentation
Andrew Tribe, The University of Queensland
"How Visitors view the captive environment" pdf video presentation
Katie Pahlow, Zoos Victoria
"Targeting visitor's attitudes to assist in wildlife conservation" pdf video presentation
Neil Chesterton, VET Services, Inglewood, NZ
"Lameness in dairy cows" pdf video presentation
Jeremy Skuse, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"ProHand Dairy training" pdf
Neil Aird, NCDEA
"Training opportunities in the Australian dairy industry" pdf video presentation
Paul B. Thompson, Michigan State University
"Animal ethics and the evolution of standards for laying hens in the US" pdf video presentation
Peter Sandøe, University of Copenhagen
"Animal Welfare – where does science end and ethics begin?" pdf video presentation
David Mellor, Massey University, NZ
"Broadening Our Perspectives on Negative and Positive Animal Welfare Impacts" pdf video presentation
Siobhan O'Sullivan, The University of Melbourne
"Economically Productive Animals and the Community’s right to Know” pdf video presentation
Charlie Arnot, Center for Food Integrity
“Lost in translation – Learning to speak 'consumer' in a way that builds trust in agriculture" pdf video presentation
Jackie Healing, Coles Supermarkets
“Customer insights - how customers make purchasing decisions and what that has meant for Coles in terms of animal welfare initiatives and how we communicate them” pdf video presentation
Grahame Coleman, AWSC, Monash University
“Monitoring stockpeople attitudes and their relationship with animal welfare” pdf video presentation
Dr. Ellen Jongman, AWSC, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria
“Welfare assessment of dairy cows and how it may be used to benchmark their welfare” pdf video presentation
Kirsty Richards, Chris Richards & Associates
“Welfare QA (PigCare) in the Australian pig industry - Does it deliver?” pdf video presentation
Don Broom, University of Cambridge
"Animal welfare research indicators and welfare outcome indicators on farm and at slaughter" pdf video presentation
Australian Poultry Welfare Research Seminar Abstracts pdf Presentations pdf
Phil Glatz, SARDI
"Update on beak trimming research and alternatives" video presentation
Joanna Engel, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Non-invasive measures of stress in poultry" video presentation
Greg Cronin, The University of Sydney
"Nest boxes for laying hens and their effects on hen behaviour and stress physiology" video presentation
Lauren Edwards, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Opportunities to improve the human – animal relationship in poultry" video presentation
Peter Groves, The University of Sydney
"Lameness in meat chickens" video presentation
Alternative Farrowing Systems - identifying the gaps in knowledge Abstracts pdf
Greg Cronin, The University of Sydney
"An Australian perspective on non-crate farrowing systems" video presentation
Hugh Payne, Dept Ag & Food, WA
"An Australian perspective on non-crate farrowing systems - WA Trials" video presentation
Emma Baxter, Scottish Agricultural College
"The Pigsafe pen design - derivation, principles and practicalities" video presentation
Sandra Edwards, Newcastle University
"Commercial Pigsafe performance to date and how these fit in the UK/EU industry context" video presentation
Melina Tensen, RSPCA Australia
"RSPCA views about traditional and alternative farrowing systems" video presentation
Rebecca Morrison, Rivalea Australia
"Industry perspective on housing of farrowing sows and gaps in knowledge" video presentation
Animal Welfare Education - why, what and how?
Alistair Lawrence, Scottish Agricultural College, UK.
video presentation 1 video presentation 2 video presentation 3 video presentation 4 video presentation 5
AWSC Pig Welfare Seminar Abstracts pdf Presentations pdf
Paul Hemsworth, AWSC, The University of Melbourne
"Australian research on group housing of gestating sows" video presentation
Greg Cronin, The University of Sydney
"Reducing pain associated with husbandry procedures in piglets" video presentation
Graeme Pope, Rural Solutions SA
"Benchmarking ProHand Implementation" video presentation
Knut Bøe, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
"Loose-housing of lactating sows and birth-to-slaughter-systems in Norway" video presentation
Rebecca Morrison, Rivalea Australia
"Commercially viable non-crated farrowing systems" video presentation
Inger Lise Andersen, Norwegian University of Life Sciences
"Piglet survival in individual, loose-housed sows – the impact of sow behaviour, farrowing environment and
management" video presentation
Kathleen Plowman, Australian Pork Limited
"PigCare: pig welfare and quality assurance" video presentation
Roger Campbell, Pork CRC
"Pig Welfare Considerations in the Pork CRC Rebid – responding to customer and community desires" video presentation
AWSC Student Presentations Abstracts pdf
Anoma Dilrukshi, Jo Coombe, Catherine Webb, Tiffani Howell, Sally Haynes, Lauren Hemsworth, Lauren Edwards, Joanna Engel, Cameron Ralph, Sonja Laine, Marcus Karlen, Bronwyn Stevens
David Mellor, Massey University
Pain and slaughter pdf
Building better dogs: using what we've learned about genetic and experiential effects on dog behaviour to improve dog welfare Abstracts pdf
Speakers: Paul McGreevy (Univ. Sydney), Mike Goddard (Univ Melb), Pauleen Bennett, (AWSC, Monash), Kate Schoeffel (AAPDB) and students of the AWSC
Animal welfare issues and RD&E requirements Abstracts pdf
Speakers: Grahame Coleman (AWSC, Monash University), Pauleen Bennett (AWSC, Monash University), James Kinder (AWSC, The Ohio State University, USA), Paul Hemsworth (AWSC, The University of Melbourne), Andrew Fisher (AWSC, The University of Melbourne), Alan Tilbrook (AWSC, Monash University), Ellen Jongman (AWSC, DPI Victoria)
Temple Grandin, Colorado State University
Reducing livestock stress during handling in yards, lairage & transport pdf
Berry Spruijt, University of Utrecht, Netherlands
"What cognitive abilities are indispensable for experiencing welfare?" pdf
Don Lay, USDA
"Using physiology and behaviour to assess welfare in farm animals: research of the United States Department of Agriculture" pdf
Jeffrey Rushen, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
"Improved detection of lameness in dairy cows" pdf
Anne Marie de Passille, Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada
"Feeding behaviour and weaning of milk-fed dairy calves" pdf
Tina Widowski, University of Guelph
"Urges, needs, preferences & priorities – coming to terms with the welfare of the laying hen" pdf
Philip Szepe, Kinross Farm, Victoria
"An Australian perspective on EU layer hen housing"
Tina Widowski, University of Guelph
"Effects of Handling Procedures and Transport Conditions on Welfare and Meat Quality of Pigs" pdf
AWSC Farm Animal Research Planning Day Program pdf
- Animal Welfare Science Centre pdf
- Bureau of Animal Welfare pdf
- Animals Australia pdf
- Australian Pork Ltd pdf
- Australian Wool Innovation pdf
- Dairy Australia pdf
- Australian Egg Corp Ltd pdf
Craig Johnson, Massey University
"The role of electroencephalography in animal welfare research" pdf
David Adams
"Physiological aspects of humane killing in animals" pdf
Animal companions for life seminar Abstracts pdf
John Webster, The University of Bristol
"Dairy cow welfare: Solutions for current problems" pdf
Ian McCauley, DPI Victoria
"Remote monitoring of livestock: Wireless and the Wii - improving livestock welfare" pdf
Andrew Bubb, Desert Knowledge CRC
"Remote management of cattle in central Australia. Current applications and opportunities for the future" pdf
Tim Stockman, Stockman Electronics
"The physical limitations of wireless sensing technologies to monitor livestock" pdf
Greg Cronin, AWSC, DPI Victoria
"Using machine vision (automatic video image analysis) to monitor hens in cages" pdf
Alistair Lawrence, Scottish Agricultural College
"Improving public attitudes and behaviour to animals" pdf
Grahame Coleman, AWSC, Monash University
"Public education" pdf
Clive Phillips, The University of Queensland
“Welfare aspects of the live export of sheep and cattle” pdf
AWSC Companion Animal Research Presentations pdf
Speakers: Paul Hemsworth, Mia Cobb, Melanie Conley, Cassie Pearton, Erin Rainey, Kate Mornement, Jacqui Ley, Pauleen Bennett, Justyna Paplinska, Vanessa Rohlf, Aislinn Guthrie-Jones, Linda Marston, Sally Haynes
Government Agencies’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Steve Tate, Bureau of Animal Welfare
“BAW’s philosophy, priorities & programs” pdf
Robert Baker, Primary Industries & Resources SA
"Animal Welfare in SA” pdf
Allan Sheridan, DAFF
“The Australian Animal Welfare Strategy” pdf
Animal Welfare Research Groups’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Paul Hemsworth, Animal Welfare Science Centre
“AWSC’s philosophy, priorities & programs” pdf
Clive Phillips, Centre for Animal Welfare & Ethics, The University of Queensland
"CAWE’s philosophies, priorities and programs” pdf
Andrew Fisher, CSIRO,
“CSIRO Animal Welfare Research - Philosophy, priorities and programs” pdf
John Barnett, AWSC, Department of Primary Industries, Victoria.
"Policy on the care & use of sheep for scientific purposes’s Philosophies, priorities, plans” pdf
Animal Welfare Groups’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Hugh Wirth, RSPCA (Vic)
“RSPCA Animal Welfare Philosophy & Policies” pdf
Glenys Oogjes, Animals Australia
"AA’s Philosophies, priorities, plans” pdf
Carole De Fraga, Compassion in World Farming
“CIWF’s Philosophy, priorities and programs” pdf
Industries’ philosophies, priorities & programs on Animal Welfare
Kathleen Plowman, Australian Pork Ltd
“APL Animal Care” pdf
David Witcombe, Australian Egg Corp Ltd
"Layer Hen Welfare: a challenging & complex issue” pdf
Helen Dornom, Dairy Australia
“Dairy Industry Perspective & Approach to Animal Welfare” pdf
Joan Lloyd, Australian Wool Innovation
"Animal Welfare Priorities and Programs for Extensively Raised Sheep" pdf
Ken Smith, The Ohio State University
"Preference testing and the Y-maze" pdf
Bob Kilgour, DPI NSW
"Towards an understanding of animal personality" pdf
Jacqui Ley , AWSC, Monash University
"Measuring Personality in dogs"
David Mellor, Massey University
"Birth and hatching: key events in the onset of awareness in the lamb and chick"