Learmonth, M. J. & Hemsworth, P. H. (2024) Assessing Visitor Effects on Zoo Animals. Chapter 6: In Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice. Eds Fernandez, E. J., & Sherwen, S.L. CAB International. https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/book/10.1079/9781800622715.0000
Chiew, S. J., Learmonth, M. J., & Hemsworth, L. M. (2024) Measuring the Visitor Experience.. Chapter 11: In Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice. Eds Fernandez, E. J., & Sherwen, S.L. CAB International. https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/book/10.1079/9781800622715.0000
Doyle, R. and Alders, R. (2021). The role of One Welfare in development and nutrition security. In One Welfare in Practice
The Role of the Veterinarian. Ed Stephens, T. ISBN 9780367904067. Published October 26, 2021 by CRC Press.
Hardy-Smith, P. and Roadknight, N. (2021). Fish welfare and One Welfare - A veterinarian’s perspective. In One Welfare in Practice
The Role of the Veterinarian. Ed Stephens, T. ISBN 9780367904067. Published October 26, 2021 by CRC Press
Hemsworth, P.H. (2021). Optimising pig welfare in breeding and gestation. In S. Edwards (Ed.). Understanding the behaviour and improving the welfare of pigs. Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing. ISBN-13: 9781786764430
Mallard, B., Emam, M., Cartwright, S., Altvater-Hughes, T., Livernois, A., Wagter-Lesperance, L., Hodgins, D.C., Atalla, H., Hine, B., Aleri, J. and Fisher, A. (2021). Advances in understanding immune response in dairy cattle. In: Improving Dairy Herd Health. Ed. E. Bouchard. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. http://dx.doi.org/10.19103/AS.2020.0086.06
Skuse, J.M, Hemsworth, P.H. and Rault, J-L. (2020). Improving human-animal interactions. In: I. Camerlink (Ed.). Pigs: Welfare in Practice. Sheffield: 5m Publishing.
Hemsworth, P.H. (2019). Behavioural principles of pig handling. In "Livestock Handling and Transport", 5th Edition, edited by T. Grandin, CAB International, Oxon, UK, pp. 290-306.
Hemsworth, P.H. (2018). Defining and ensuring animal welfare in pig production: an overview. In "Achieving Sustainable Production of Pig Meat. Volume 3: Animal Health and Welfare", Ed Wiseman, J. Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing, Cambridge UK, Chapter 6, pp. 125-150.
Hemsworth, P.H., Sherwen, S.I. and Coleman, G.J. (2018). Human Contact. In Appleby, M.C., Olsson, I.A.S. and Galindo, F. Animal Welfare 3rd Edition. CABI. Oxfordshire. 294-314. ISBN: 9781786390202
Verdon, M and Rault, J-L. (2018). Aggression in group housed sows and fattening pigs. In: Advances in pig welfare, Ed Špinka, M. pp 235-260. ISBN 97800-08-101012-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-101012-9.00018-6
Coleman, G.J. (2017). Consumer and societal expectations for sheep products. In Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. 37-48. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Doyle, R. E. (2017). Sheep cognition and implications for welfare. In Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. 55-68. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Ferguson, D.M., Fisher, A.D., Colditz, I.G. and Lee, C. (2017). Future challenges and opportunities in sheep welfare. In Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. 285-292. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Hemsworth, P.H. and Jongman, E.C. (2017) Humane transport, lairage and slaughter of sheep. In: Achieving sustainable production of sheep. Ed Greyling, J. Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing, Cambridge CB22 3HJ UK, pp379-396. ISBN-13: 9781786760845
Fisher, A.D. (2016). How can we measure welfare of animals on farms? In: Breeding Focus 2016: Improving Welfare. Eds. S. Hermesch and S. Dominik. AGBU, University of New England, Australia. p 5-15.
Hemsworth, P.H., Mellor, D.J., Coleman, G.J., Beausoleil, N.J., Fisher, A.D. and Stafford, K.J. (2016). Australian and New Zealand perspectives. In: Brown, J. and Seddon, Y. (Editor), Animals and Us: 50 years and more of Applied Ethology, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp193-210. ISBN: 978-90-8686-282-5
Rault, JL and Doyle, R. E. (2016). Cognitive approaches and new technologies: changing methodologies in applied ethology. In: Brown, J. and Seddon, Y. (Editor), Animals and Us: 50 years and more of Applied Ethology, Wageningen Academic Publisers, pp113-132. ISBN: 978-90-8686-282-5
Moran, J. and Doyle, R. (2015). Cow Talk: Understanding dairy cow behaviour to improve their welfare on Asian farms. CSIRO Publishing. ISBN: 9781486301614
Coleman, G.J. and Hemsworth, P.H. (2014). Training to improve stockperson beliefs and behaviour towards livestock enhances welfare and productivity. Rev.sci.tech.Off cint Epiz, 33(1), 131-137.
Cronin, G.M. and Rault, J-L. (2014). Lessons learned from past experience with intensive livestock management systems. Rev.sci.tech.Off cint Epiz, 33(1), 139-151.
Hemsworth, P.H. (2014). Behavioural principles of pig handling. In "Livestock Handling and Transport", 4th Edition, edited by T. Grandin, CAB International, Oxon, UK, pp. 261-279.
Hemsworth, P.H. and Coleman, G.J. (2011) Human-Livestock Interactions: The Stockperson and the Productivity and Welfare of Intensively Farmed Animals, 2nd Edition, CAB International, Oxford, UK.
Hemsworth, P.H. and Boivin, X. (2011). Human contact. In “Animal Welfare”, edited by M. C. Appleby, J. A. Mench, I. A. S. Olsson and B. O. Hughes. CAB International, Oxon UK. pp 246-262.
Gaunt, G., Jolly S., Duddy, D. (2010) Intensive Production Systems. In: The international sheep and wool handbook. 2nd Edition. Edited by D. Cottle, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, Chapter 24, pp. 565-580.
Hemsworth, P.H. and Coleman, G.J. (2010) Managing poultry: Human-bird interactions and their implications : In The Welfare of Dom/B978-0-08-101012-9.00018-6estic Fowl and Other Captive Birds. Eds IJH Duncan, P Hawkins. Springer Science+Business Media(New York)
Hemsworth, P.H. and the late Barnett, J.L., (2010). Valutazione del benessere negli animali d’allevamento (Human-pig relationships). Benessere Animale (Animal Welfare), a cura di F. Fulvio Biancifiori, Instituto Zooprofilattico Spermentale Umbria e Marche Editore, pp. 131-158.
Learmonth, M. J. & Hemsworth, P. H. (2024) Assessing Visitor Effects on Zoo Animals. Chapter 6: In Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice. Eds Fernandez, E. J., & Sherwen, S.L. CAB International. https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/book/10.1079/9781800622715.0000
Chiew, S. J., Learmonth, M. J., & Hemsworth, L. M. (2024) Measuring the Visitor Experience.. Chapter 11: In Human-Animal Interactions in Zoos: Integrating Science and Practice. Eds Fernandez, E. J., & Sherwen, S.L. CAB International. https://www.cabidigitallibrary.org/doi/book/10.1079/9781800622715.0000
Doyle, R. and Alders, R. (2021). The role of One Welfare in development and nutrition security. In One Welfare in Practice
The Role of the Veterinarian. Ed Stephens, T. ISBN 9780367904067. Published October 26, 2021 by CRC Press.
Hardy-Smith, P. and Roadknight, N. (2021). Fish welfare and One Welfare - A veterinarian’s perspective. In One Welfare in Practice
The Role of the Veterinarian. Ed Stephens, T. ISBN 9780367904067. Published October 26, 2021 by CRC Press
Hemsworth, P.H. (2021). Optimising pig welfare in breeding and gestation. In S. Edwards (Ed.). Understanding the behaviour and improving the welfare of pigs. Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing. ISBN-13: 9781786764430
Mallard, B., Emam, M., Cartwright, S., Altvater-Hughes, T., Livernois, A., Wagter-Lesperance, L., Hodgins, D.C., Atalla, H., Hine, B., Aleri, J. and Fisher, A. (2021). Advances in understanding immune response in dairy cattle. In: Improving Dairy Herd Health. Ed. E. Bouchard. Burleigh Dodds Science Publishing, Cambridge, UK. http://dx.doi.org/10.19103/AS.2020.0086.06
Skuse, J.M, Hemsworth, P.H. and Rault, J-L. (2020). Improving human-animal interactions. In: I. Camerlink (Ed.). Pigs: Welfare in Practice. Sheffield: 5m Publishing.
Hemsworth, P.H. (2019). Behavioural principles of pig handling. In "Livestock Handling and Transport", 5th Edition, edited by T. Grandin, CAB International, Oxon, UK, pp. 290-306.
Hemsworth, P.H. (2018). Defining and ensuring animal welfare in pig production: an overview. In "Achieving Sustainable Production of Pig Meat. Volume 3: Animal Health and Welfare", Ed Wiseman, J. Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing, Cambridge UK, Chapter 6, pp. 125-150.
Hemsworth, P.H., Sherwen, S.I. and Coleman, G.J. (2018). Human Contact. In Appleby, M.C., Olsson, I.A.S. and Galindo, F. Animal Welfare 3rd Edition. CABI. Oxfordshire. 294-314. ISBN: 9781786390202
Verdon, M and Rault, J-L. (2018). Aggression in group housed sows and fattening pigs. In: Advances in pig welfare, Ed Špinka, M. pp 235-260. ISBN 97800-08-101012-9. https://doi.org/10.1016/B978-0-08-101012-9.00018-6
Coleman, G.J. (2017). Consumer and societal expectations for sheep products. In Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. 37-48. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Doyle, R. E. (2017). Sheep cognition and implications for welfare. In Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. 55-68. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Ferguson, D.M., Fisher, A.D., Colditz, I.G. and Lee, C. (2017). Future challenges and opportunities in sheep welfare. In Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. 285-292. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Ferguson, D., Lee, C. and Fisher, A. eds. Advances in sheep welfare. Woodhead Publishing. ISBN 978-0-08-100718-1
Hemsworth, P.H. and Jongman, E.C. (2017) Humane transport, lairage and slaughter of sheep. In: Achieving sustainable production of sheep. Ed Greyling, J. Burleigh Dodds Scientific Publishing, Cambridge CB22 3HJ UK, pp379-396. ISBN-13: 9781786760845
Fisher, A.D. (2016). How can we measure welfare of animals on farms? In: Breeding Focus 2016: Improving Welfare. Eds. S. Hermesch and S. Dominik. AGBU, University of New England, Australia. p 5-15.
Hemsworth, P.H., Mellor, D.J., Coleman, G.J., Beausoleil, N.J., Fisher, A.D. and Stafford, K.J. (2016). Australian and New Zealand perspectives. In: Brown, J. and Seddon, Y. (Editor), Animals and Us: 50 years and more of Applied Ethology, Wageningen Academic Publishers, pp193-210. ISBN: 978-90-8686-282-5
Rault, JL and Doyle, R. E. (2016). Cognitive approaches and new technologies: changing methodologies in applied ethology. In: Brown, J. and Seddon, Y. (Editor), Animals and Us: 50 years and more of Applied Ethology, Wageningen Academic Publisers, pp113-132. ISBN: 978-90-8686-282-5
Moran, J. and Doyle, R. (2015). Cow Talk: Understanding dairy cow behaviour to improve their welfare on Asian farms. CSIRO Publishing. ISBN: 9781486301614
Coleman, G.J. and Hemsworth, P.H. (2014). Training to improve stockperson beliefs and behaviour towards livestock enhances welfare and productivity. Rev.sci.tech.Off cint Epiz, 33(1), 131-137.
Cronin, G.M. and Rault, J-L. (2014). Lessons learned from past experience with intensive livestock management systems. Rev.sci.tech.Off cint Epiz, 33(1), 139-151.
Hemsworth, P.H. (2014). Behavioural principles of pig handling. In "Livestock Handling and Transport", 4th Edition, edited by T. Grandin, CAB International, Oxon, UK, pp. 261-279.
Hemsworth, P.H. and Coleman, G.J. (2011) Human-Livestock Interactions: The Stockperson and the Productivity and Welfare of Intensively Farmed Animals, 2nd Edition, CAB International, Oxford, UK.
Hemsworth, P.H. and Boivin, X. (2011). Human contact. In “Animal Welfare”, edited by M. C. Appleby, J. A. Mench, I. A. S. Olsson and B. O. Hughes. CAB International, Oxon UK. pp 246-262.
Gaunt, G., Jolly S., Duddy, D. (2010) Intensive Production Systems. In: The international sheep and wool handbook. 2nd Edition. Edited by D. Cottle, Nottingham University Press, Nottingham, UK, Chapter 24, pp. 565-580.
Hemsworth, P.H. and Coleman, G.J. (2010) Managing poultry: Human-bird interactions and their implications : In The Welfare of Dom/B978-0-08-101012-9.00018-6estic Fowl and Other Captive Birds. Eds IJH Duncan, P Hawkins. Springer Science+Business Media(New York)
Hemsworth, P.H. and the late Barnett, J.L., (2010). Valutazione del benessere negli animali d’allevamento (Human-pig relationships). Benessere Animale (Animal Welfare), a cura di F. Fulvio Biancifiori, Instituto Zooprofilattico Spermentale Umbria e Marche Editore, pp. 131-158.